Sunday 5 September 2010

First blog in FOREVER!

It has been flippin ages since I last blogged!

Here's whats been 'going down' since the exciting Belgium adventure with mimble pants...

1. went to NWA in Pwthelli which was SUCH a brilliant week where the teaching was super great and I learnt LOADS... also met some uber cool people!!

2... my best friend in ALL THE WORLD, Jenny Brake gave BIRTH.. TO A BABY!!! The worlds most cutest baby EVER! I would put up a photo and all that jazz to prove it, but I just don't know wheather I have permission, so you'll just have to take my word for it :) .. oh yeah, AND she ask me to be beautiful Bella's Godmummy :D hurrah! Joyous times :)

3. Oliver Jeffers- my alltime favourite artist ever brough out a yummy new book, which i loveee!
anddd I have his next book on order which I am going to pick up tomorrow- this makes me veryyy happy :)

4. quit my Job at Hobby Craft!

5. I lived in a field and worked on a campsite in france for 3 whole months!- made some AMAZING friends and had many fun times with LOVELY old friends, was challenged lots, and learnt some stuff, developed a rather impressive tan and super blonde hair!
- not the best picture of any of us, but I just love these two girls!!

6. I played the staring role of a TREE and a dancer in the sites Pantomime...  also asked to design the posters and programmes which was a lot of fun!

7. And lastly and my newest shiniest piece of news is that I have been offered an UNCONDITIONAL masters with scholarship in Graphic design :) and have a room in a house of three lovely funny yeah I'm a pretty darn happy and relived at having the next 18 months all sorted right there !

Monday 15 February 2010

...heres a little video of some of the stuff mimble and myself got up to last week :) sorry for the crazy pixilation! exporting and loading to youtube has never been one of my fortés!

Saturday 30 January 2010

granny :)

Iv just got back from my granny's 80th birthday party... and it was SO lovely:) i am just so fond of all my aunties and uncles and hundreds of crazy cousins! we went for a yummy yorkshire carvery and had a funny evening of jamming... trumpets, yukalalies, violins, piano, flutes, guitar, recorders, clarinets, cornet, uphonium.. you name it we had it:) oh and little ones on shakers and triangles:p major vontrap family moment of joy:p

I didnt get to see much of the birthday girl, but the time i did manage to steal her away was so special:) ahh i love my granny!
she shared a poem with me.. and i have just spent a fair amount of time trying to hunt it down online... I dont think this is quite the version she had.. but it is still beautiful

My life is but a weaving
Between my God and me.
I let him choose the colours
He worketh steadily.

Some shuttles are filled with silver thread,
And some with threads of gold;
While often but the darker hue
Is all that they may hold.

God surely planned that pattern,
Each thread - the dark and the fair -
Was chosen by His master skill
And placed in web with care.

He only knows the beauty
And guides the shuttles which hold
The threads so unattractive
As well as the threads of gold.

Not till the loom is silent,
And the shuttles cease to fly
Shall God unroll the pattern
And explain the reason why.

The dark threads are as needful
In the Weavers skillful hand
As the threads of gold and silver
In the pattern that He has planned.


Tuesday 26 January 2010

craft hope

Craft Hope for Haiti Shop Spreading seeds of hope one stitch at a time

fancy buying a totally unique beautifully hand crafted treasure?...then hop on over to the craft hope etsy shop... all sales will benefit Doctors Without Borders in Haiti:)

Monday 25 January 2010

Thursday 21 January 2010


do you like my ring??

...i just made it, just then and lovee it! apologies for the darkness of the photo... but just couldnt wait until daytime to take a snap:) i think i will make moreeeee... but paint them alot nicer and in yummier colours:) joy! x

Tuesday 19 January 2010

setting up shop!

I have some exciting news to DECLARE! ... the fabulous JENNY BRAKE and myself are going into BUSINESS!!! ...a handmade goody business:)
here are some photos i took today of my bits and bobs so far! hope you like :)

...and yummy flower broaches!
hope you like them!!
will pop a link up on here as soon as its all sorted... so watch this space:)

Tuesday 12 January 2010

guess who i saw today...

haha claim to fame or what!?

Saturday 2 January 2010

friend times:)

This weekend has been eventful!! it all started on the thursday evening after picking up some lovely people from the train station.... about 2 minutes into the journey my exhaust FELL OFF on a roundabout in the middle of chester!! the boys tried to fix it with a ball of crochet wool *rolls eyes* while i called the rescue people!
I had my first ever KFC (momentus occassion) whilst we waited for the worlds most HAPPY rescue man to come and save us... we annoyed him the whole 40 mins to my house with classic questions like 'has a car ever fallen off the back of your truck before?'or 'if you broke down how would anyone rescue you?'...etc
ooo we also nearly ran over a tawney owl! then... when we arrived at my road there was just too much snow to get the car down so the guy just left us to push it. Which ended up my car getting stuck right at the top of the road... where it still is to this very day :s still not entirely sure what to do about that!
haha sorry for all this waffle right here! just getting abit carried away with telling you about my crazy weekend!!
it was soooo LOVELY to see people:)
particularly the famous MIM...

. who we were so very blessed to have with us, all the way from BELGUM!

we welcomed in the new year SLEDGING up a mountain... i LOVE this photo! it was taken about two seconds before miriam and i were pushed over for about the bazzilionth time!

there were sparklers!!

i lit my first ever firework:)

....quite pleased with myself for having an opportunity to use my fabulous new apron:) 
ooo.. we also went to nando's and watched AVATAR 3D ... which is now one of my all time favourite films! so yeah... sorry for blabbing.. but 2010 will be a corker if it carries on the way its begun :D ooo and sorry miriam for using your photos...serves you right for leaving them on my computer:p

Sunday 27 December 2009

the gruffalo:)

ahhh!! I have just this second finished watching the 30 minute animated short of the Gruffalo... and flippin loved it!!
I must confess I was expecting it to be a 'fantastic' mr fox FLOP...but it turned out quite the opposite!! Beautifully animated, a cross between stop motion and cgi i just couldn't look away!! the storyline is so simple but genius and i loveee how the narration rhymned and flowed:)
oh and the main character little brown mouse is possibly the cutest thing ever... i just want to pop him in my pocket and carry him everywhere! 
haha i think i might love this film a little bit too much! ... just going to go watch it a couple more times:p if you havnt seen it already its still on iplayer so go and chchcheck it out:D
